Past Researchers


  1. Junyong Zhu, 1991-- Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) Gas Temperature Measurements in a Monodisperse Combusting Droplet Stream
  2. I-Ping Chung, 1992-- A Study of Aerosol Inhalability into Blunt Samplers and the Human Head
  3. John Garman, 1996-- Issues in Laser Diagnostics for Combustion Thermometry: Low Pressure Flames and Spatial Averaging
  4. Chris Buchanan, 1997-- CFD Characterization of a Mechanically Ventilated Office Room: The Effects of Room Design on Ventilation Performance
  5. Corinne Connon, 1997-- Significance of Droplet-Droplet Interactions in Droplet Streams: Atmospheric to Supercritical Conditions (now Corinne Lengsfeld)
  6. Ramon Dimalanta, 1998-- Experimental Investigation of Reduced Vaporization in a Droplet Stream Flame
  7. Jonathan Posner, 2001-- Resonant and Non-Resonant Holographic Interferometry in Axisymmetric Flames
  8. Ben Strayer, 2001 — The Importance of Actuation Mechanisms in Control of Non-premixed Combustion
  9. Mike Papac, 2005— Electrical Aspects of Gaseous Fuel Flames for Microgravity Combustion and Combustion Control
  10. Matthew Rickard, 2005— Ion-Driven Wind: Aerodynamics, Performance Limits, and Optimization
  11. Trinh Pham, 2006— Fuel Film Combustion in a Miniature Combustor
  12. Neha Gowadia, 2007-- Size-segregated Chemistry in Mainstream Tobacco Smoke
  13. Peter Therkelsen, 2009-- SI to HCCI Operation of a Small Macro-Scale 4-Stroke Engine
  14. Kyung Man Kim, 2010-- The Effects of Carbon-in-Ash on Mercury Capture from Flue Gas
  15. Srivatsava (Sri) Puranam, 2010-- Combustion in Cavities and Accelerating Flows
  16. Tsolag Apelian (Soulak Abbilian), 2011 – Unstable Liquid-Liquid Dispersed Flows in Industrial Installations
  17. Sunny Karnani, 2011-- Electrical Control of Combustion in Microgravity
  18. Mina Rohani, 2011-- Controlling the Breakup of Capillary Liquid Jets
  19. Nivedan Tiwari, 2011-- Non-Linear Endoscopic Microscopy System for Potential Use in Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis
  20. Feng (Jeff) Jiang, 2012-- Mercury Removal from Flue Gas by Aqueous Precipitation
  21. Alireza Mirsepassi, 2012-- Suspension Dynamics and Hydrodynamic Interaction in Viscoelastic Fluids
  22. Melika Roshandell, 2013-- Combustion of Methane Hydrates
  23. Mazdak Kebria, 2014-- Measurements and Modeling of Pulverized Fuel Char in an Entrained Flow Reactor
  24. Yu-Chien (Alice) Chien, 2015-- Electrical Aspects of Impinging Flames
  25. Ali Ziaee, 2016-- Ultra-short Pulse Off-axis Digital Holography and Kerr Effect Ballistic Imaging in Highly Scattering Environments such as Formation Region of Diesel Sprays
  26. Jin Dang, 2016-- In Field Measurements of Solid Fuel Cookstove Emissions
  27. Rosa Padilla, 2016-- Structure and Behavior of Non-Premixed Water-Laden Methane/Air Flames
  28. Vinicius Sauer, 2017-- Analysis of Laminar Nonpremixed Stagnation Flow and Swirl-Type Tubular Flames
  29. Jesse Tinajero, 2017-- Flame Dynamics and Chemi-Ion Driven Flows in an Applied Electric Field
  30. David Escofet-Martin, 2017-- Laser Diagnostics for High Pressure Combustion
  31. Marco Minniti, 2019-- Femtosecond Holography of Sprays
  32. Michela Vicariotto, 2019-- Water Vapor Addition in High Concentration to the Fuel Side of a Two-Dimensional Methane-Air Diffusion Flame
  33. Claudia Lopez-Camara, 2020-- Numerical Study of Non-Premixed Methane/Air Flames Behavior under Different Body Forces: Buoyancy and Electric Field
  34. Andrea Biasioli, 2021-- Optical Absorption for Continuously Monitoring Sulfur Oxides and Sulfuric Acid in Flue Gas Conditions
  35. Navid Saedi, 2022-- Fundamental Studies of CO2 Substitution in Methane Hydrate



  1. Hsiang-Chieh Huang, 1990 -- Numerical Solutions for Steady Flow Past Two-Dimensional Blunt Body Samplers
  2. Quang-Viet Nguyen, 1990 -- Measurements of Droplet-Droplet Interaction and Aerodynamics
  3. Jim Buerkle, 1991 -- Surface Defect Detection by Laser Light Scattering
  4. Ling Huang, 1991 -- Focusing of Gaussian Laser Beams through a Gradient Index Lens (project)
  5. Brian Davies, 1992 -- Computer Control of an IC Engine
  6. Andy Gray, 1992 -- Optical Sizing of Tobacco Smoke by Laser Light Scattering and Extinction
  7. Jason Luzar, 1992 -- Vaporization in a Linear Droplet Stream Flame
  8. Yufei Zhang, 1992 -- Study of Gas Phase Chemistry in CVD Diamond Deposition
  9. Edie Chang, 1993 -- Measurement of Sidestream Tobacco Smoke Particle Size Distribution
  10. John Garman, 1993 -- The Dependence of NO2 Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Signals on Buffer Gas Pressure
  11. Corinne Lengsfeld (Connon), 1993 -- Instabilities of Monodisperse Droplet Streams under High Ambient Pressures
  12. Mark Silverman, 1993 -- Experimental Investigation of a Droplet Stream Flame
  13. Ramon Dimalanta, 1994 -- Vaporization of Waste Oil Sludge (project)
  14. Carlson Choi, 1996 -- Laser Induced Fluorescence in an Acetone Droplet Stream
  15. Mako Miyasato, 1996 -- Fluid Dynamics near a Self-Cleaning Sensor (project)
  16. Ben Strayer, 1997 -- Active Control Methodology Applied to a Laminar Non-Premixed Flame
  17. Kimlien Bostic (Vu), 1998 -- Biomedical Microbeam Characterization using Photochromic Film
  18. Court Moorefield, 1998 -- Lean Engine Combustion Using Hydrogen Enhanced Gasoline Fuel (project)
  19. Jonathan Posner, 1998 -- LDV and PIV Measurements of Indoor Air Flows in a Model Room
  20. Davyda Hammond (McKinney), 1999 -- A Droplet Stream Flame in an Acoustic Field
  21. Fong Yang, 1999 -- Acoustic Control of a Rijke Tube Burner
  22. Thomas Co, 2002 -- Emissions from a Rijke-tube Combustor (project)
  23. Marcos Gonzalez, 2000 -- Prospects for an Electrohydrodynamic Spray Burner (project)
  24. Markus Grueneis, 2002 -- Heat Transfer Correlation for Turbulent Natural Convection on an Isogrid Panel
  25. Mike Papac, 2002 -- N2 CARS Thermometry and O2 LIF Measurements of an Electrically Induced Microbuoyant Flame
  26. Matt Rickard, 2002 -- The Study of an Electrified Air-Assisted Liquid Atomizer
  27. Trinh Pham, 2003 -- Study of a Miniature Liquid Fuel Film Combustor
  28. Deanna Iobbi, 2004 -- Controlling Piezoelectric Generated Droplets
  29. Joe Papac, 2004 -- Combustion in a Miniature Combustion Engine
  30. Sam Kwa, 2005 -- ADVISOR and the RC Car (project)
  31. Jesse Pompa, 2006 -- Performance of Miniature IC Engines
  32. Nicola Sarzi-Amade, 2007 -- Mixing Flows in a Converging Curved Duct
  33. Yun (Julianna) Wei, 2007 -- Formation Temperature of Ammonium Bisulfate at Simulated Air Preheater
  34. Tsolag (Soulak) Apelian (Abbilian), 2008 -- An Investigation of Self-Induced Combustion Instabilities in a Low-Swirl Burner
  35. Adam Jepsen, 2009 -- Characterization of Dynamic, Surfactant-free Emulsions
  36. De Ly, 2009 -- Analysis of Potential for Quantum Cascade Laser Measurements of Carbon Monoxide under Realistic Combustion Conditions
  37. Shawn Maghzi, 2009 -- Design, Construction, and Testing of an Entrained Flow Reactor for Coal
  38. Alireza Mirsepassi, 2009 -- Numerical Simulation of an Air Preheater Channel (project)
  39. Armin Karimi, 2010 -- Thermal Deformation Analysis of Modular Mirrors
  40. Jae Lim, 2010 -- Performance Mapping of a Small-Scale Water-Cooled 4-stroke IC Engine: Potential for HCCI Operation
  41. Jennifer  Menasha, 2010 -- In Situ Characterization of ABS Formation in a Model Air Preheater Channel
  42. Mercedes Palencia, 2010 -- Feeding Pulverized Coal for Char Burnout Studies
  43. Michael Tran, 2010 -- Optical Diagnostics to Characterize the Sooting Propensity of Biofuel-Diesel Diffusion Flames
  44. Melika Roshandell, 2011 -- Combustion of Fuel Hydrates (project)
  45. Scott Toma, 2011 -- Comparison of the Dynamic Response of a Tooth Between a High Speed Drill and Dental Laser
  46. Hui-Ju (Ruby) Tsai, 2011 -- Attempts to Model Electrical Field Effects on Flames (project)
  47. Ferran Marti Duran, 2012 -- Droplet Evaporation in an Active Turbulence Grid Wind Tunnel
  48. Jin Dang, 2012 -- Structure of Intermittent Fuel Sprays (project)
  49. Jesus Tapia, 2012 -- Laser Measurements in Flames (project)
  50. Ryan Kuehne, 2013 -- Prototyping, Testing, and Improvement of a Mechanical Trap Toilet (J. Garman advisor)
  51. Ali Ziaee, 2013 -- Digital Holography in Multi-Phase Media (project)
  52. Samboroth Kong, 2013 -- Studying the Temperature Profile of a Flame-Heated Plate using Solidworks (project)
  53. David Escofet-Martin, 2014 -- OH PLIF of an Impinging Flame (project)
  54. Alexsandra Guerra, 2014 -- UCI Solar Stove (project)
  55. Joan Santacana Vall, 2014 -- Water Evaporation during Methane Hydrate Combustion
  56. Navid Saeidi, 2014 -- Designed Loop for a High Pressure Salt Water Tunnel for CO2 Hydrate Formation (project)
  57. Noe Rodriguez, 2014 -- Energy Balance of Hot Plate Cooking of Chapati (project)
  58. Jesse Tinajero, 2014 -- Ion Driven Flows in an Electric Field
  59. Stuart Foster, 2015 -- Spherical Solar Stove: A Characterization Study (project)
  60. Antonio Gomez, 2015 -- Development and Verification of an Instrumented Small Engine Testbed (project)
  61. Andre Nodem, 2015 -- Volume and Flow Rate Measurements using a Custom-Made Flowmeter (project)
  62. Valentina Ricchuiti, 2016 -- OpenFOAM Simulations of Impinging Coflow Flames, including Chemi-Ionization and Electric Fields
  63. Michael Bryant, 2016 -- Discharge Flux Variability in Stored Thermal Energy Cookstoves
  64. Adriana Llado-Gambin, 2016 -- Heat Transfer Model for Hot Air Balloons
  65. Joseph Alex Sanchez, 2018 -- Quantifying Hydrate Formation Rate using Ideal and Real Gas Laws, including the Effects of Surfactants (project)
  66. Verenice Mojica, 2018 -- Analytical and Experimental Methods for Calculating the Average Emissivity Value of a Flame via Thermal Imaging Applications (project)
  67. Soung Uk Kim, 2018 -- Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Performance of a 49 cc Spark Ignited Engine
  68. Dorsa Shirazi, 2020 -- Wake Simulation of the Multirotor Test Bed and Validation of CHARM Software
  69. Brandon Esquivas, 2021 -- Numerical Simulation of Water-Vapor Addition into a Methane Diffusion Flame at High Pressures using PeleLM
  70. Dianalaura Cueto, 2021 -- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Methane Hydrate Dissociation Under Temperature Step and Ramping



  1. Simone  Stanchi, 2002 -- Pressurized miniature film combustor (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico, Italy)
  2. Elisangela Leal, 2003-2005 -- Portable power (Post-Doc research, UNESP, Brazil)
  3. Andrea Favalessa, 2004 -- Heat recirculating burner (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Padua University)
  4. Yueh-Heng (Zic) Li, 2005-2006 -- Combustion of liquid films on flat plates (visiting Ph.D. student, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
  5. Nicola Sarzi-Amade, 2005 -- Annular film combustor (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  6. Francesco Borgatelli, 2006 -- Behavior of a Small Diffusion Flame Affected by an Electric Field (Eng. Deg. Thesis)
  7. Roberto Mattioli, 2006-2007 -- Miniature Liquid Film Combustors with Secondary Air Injection (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  8. Jonathan Arici, 2007-2008 -- Experiments in a Model Turbine Burner (Eng. Deg. Thesis)
  9. Kiyotaka Yamashita, 2008 -- Numerical Simulation of Electric Effects in Diffusion Flames (Post-Doc – University of Tokyo, Japan)
  10. Luca Castronuovo, 2009-2010 -- Nanopowder Ignition and Combustion (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  11. Oh Chae Kwon, 2010-2011 -- Water-Laden Methane Combustion (visiting Professor, Korea)
  12. Claudio Giani, 2011 -- Design of Swirlers for Miniature Film Combustors (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  13. Julian Glorian, 2011 -- Computational Study of Ions and Excited State Species in a Methane/Air Laminar Diffusion Flame (Eng. Deg. Project - ENSMA)
  14. Feng (Jeff) Jiang, 2012 -- Post Doctoral Researcher, UCI, Experiment Design
  15. David Escofet Martin, 2012 -- Laser spectroscopy techniques in combustion:  2D OH planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF), Senior Project, Politechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
  16. Laia Torregrosa Sauret, 2012-2013 -- Automated Measurements in a Counterflow Flame (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Univ. Politec. Catalunya)
  17. Joan Santacana Vall, 2012-2013 -- Automated Measurements in a Hydrate Flame (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Univ. Politec. Catalunya)
  18. Marco Minniti, 2012-2013 -- Thin Filament Pyrometry for Temperature Measurements in Fuel Hydrate Flames and Non-premixed Water-Laden Methane-Air Flames (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  19. Valentina Ricchiuti, 2012-2013 -- CANTERA Simulation of Water-Laden Methane/Air Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  20. Michela Vicariotto, 2013-2014 -- Laser Igntion of Methane Hydrates (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  21. Bai Jie, 2013-2014 -- Schlieren Imaging of Flames (Researcher)
  22. Andrea Biasioli, 2014-2015 -- Hydrate Formation and Combustion (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  23. Albert Aguilera Roman, 2014-2015 -- Relating CH* Chemiluminescense with Charged Species in a Non-Premixed Methane Flame (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Univ. Politec. Catalunya)
  24. Daijin Li, 2014-2015 -- Systems Analysis for Energy Conversion (Researcher)
  25. Claudia Lopez Camara, 2014-2015 -- Numerical Simulation of a Co-Flow Methane/Air Flame Including Ions and Excited Species (M.Sc. Deg. Thesis - Univ. Politec. Catalunya: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona) 
  26. Filippo Colagrande, 2015-2016 -- Plasma Treatment of Engine Exhaust (Eng. Deg. Thesis - Milano Politecnico)
  27. Chaobo Yang, 2015-2016 -– Femtosecond/Picosecond Hybrid CARS for Combustion Diagnostics (Researcher)
  28. Alex Torredemer Serra, 2017 -– OpenFOAM Simulation of High-Pressure Non-Premixed CoFlow Laminar Flame (M.Sc. Deg. Thesis - Univ. Politec. Catalunya: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial, Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de Terrassa)



  1. Amauri Menezes, 2003-2005  — Methanol reformer for miniature IC engines (visiting M.S. student, Brazil)
  2. Benjamin Debareix, 2011  — Using Open FOAM for Combustion Simulation (Eng. Deg. Project - ENSMA)
  3. Jeremie Descours, 2011  — Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experiment of Coal Combustion (Eng. Deg. Project - ENSMA)
  4. Mishal Francis, 2012 -- Detection electric field effects on flames using mid-IR photodiodes, Senior Project, Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland
  5. Joshua Jacobs, 2012 -- Quantitative chemiluminescence from small diffusion Flames, Senior Project, Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland
  6. David Mazo, ISAE Supaero, 2012: Droplet evaporation in turbulent flow
  7. Oscar Martinez, ISAE Supaero, 2012: Droplet evaporation in turbulent flow
  8. Marie Vinay, ENSMA, 2012: Small engine test stand for biofuel operation
  9. Fabien Plongeron, ENSMA, 2012: Image processing for chemiluminescense in sooting flames
  10. Antoine Larignon, ENSMA, 2012: Thermal modeling of ice and hydrates for clathrate combustion
  11. Kevin Haras, ENSMA, 2012: Particle sizing of cookstove smoke
  12. Valentin Thomas, ENSMA, 2012: Burning methane clathrates and gel fuels
  13. Dorian Midou, ENSMA, 2012: Automation for pulsed dye laser scanning in combustion diagnostics
  14. Tony Martinet, ENSMA, 2012: Coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor
  15. Sliman Bouazzaoui, 2012: Small engine combustion and emissions
  16. Philippe Diollot, 2012: Small engine combustion and emissions
  17. Nils Bechmann, ENSMA, 2013: Formation and dissociation of methane hydrates
  18. Quentin Bervas, ENSMA, 2013: Melting and evaporation of burning methane hydrates
  19. Simon Deguillaume, ENSMA, 2013: Aqueous urea/SCR at low temperatures
  20. Sybille Drevon, ENSMA, 2013: Droplet stream burning in a flat flame burner
  21. Clement Fillon, ENSMA, 2013: Water desalination via gas hydrate production
  22. Arnaud Lemoine, ENSMA, 2013: Optical diagnostics for combustion
  23. Thomas Payet-Burin, ENSMA, 2013: Solar collector and cookstove optical optimization
  24. Victor Viaud, ENSMA, 2013: Design of high pressure combustion vessel
  25. Camille Saux, ENSMA, 2014: Control system for stabilizing a droplet in a flow tunnel
  26. Yoann Haucourt, ENSMA, 2014: Spray rig for testing ballistic imaging holography
  27. Pierre Lemarie, ENSMA, 2014: Laser spectroscopy for combustion diagnostics
  28. Anthony Colle, ENSMA, 2014: Surfactant effects on dissolved methane gas in water
  29. Jordan Bilbault, ENSMA, 2015; High pressure combustion flow panel design and thermal analysis
  30. Antony Delavois, ENSMA, 2015; High pressure/low temperature salt water flow tunnel design and thermal analysis
  31. Gaetan Crouzy, ENSMA, 2015; High pressure CARS calibration cell
  32. Adrien Ruas, ENSMA, 2015; Water-laden fuel diffusion coflow burner
  33. Remy Petit, ENSMA, 2015; Accurate measurement of volumetric flow from dissociating hydrates
  34. Guillaume Eplenier, ENSMA, 2015; Chemical kinetics calculations of flames with ions and excited species
  35. Andre Perreira da Silva - Brazil Science without Borders, 2015 - liquid film combustor
  36. Kaio Paes - Brazil Science without Borders, 2015 - small reciprocating engine testbed
  37. Jaume Felip Escolà, ETSEIAT, 2015 -- Pressure measurements in a small IC engine
  38. Sarah Benhaddou, ENSMA, 2016; Treatment of exhaust gases using non-thermal plasma
  39. Louise Autef, ENSMA, 2016; Experiments and modeling of small diffusion flames in electric fields
  40. Mohamed Azri, ENSMA, 2016; Optical measurements in high pressure combustion
  41. Gaetan Ruscade, ENSMA, 2016; High pressure calibration cell for coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
  42. Flavien Bart, ENSMA, 2016; High pressure flow tunnel characterization (senior project)
  43. Quentin Dupuis, ENSMA, 2016; Water-added counterflow diffusion flames
  44. Alexandre Schwartz, ENSMA, 2016; Measurement and calculation of sulfur species in simulated power plant flue gas
  45. Thibault Pecoul, ENSMA, 2016; High temperature test cell for sulfur species simulating emission from a power plant flue
  46. Guillaume Bernard, ENSMA, 2016; Electrically controlled flames
  47. Romain Bouyer, Ecole des Mines d’Al\`es, 2016; Characterization of controlled conversion efficiency of SO$_2$ to SO$_3$ over a catalyst
  48. Marion Lallemand, EPF Graduate School of Engineering, France, 2017; Tubular flame burner design and analysis
  49. Samuel Perceval, ENSMA, 2017; Experimentation and instrumentation of a 50cc scooter engine to improve its environmental performance
  50. Thomas Guedon, ENSMA, 2017; Methane hydrates growth
  51. Eleonore Moinet, ENSMA, 2018; Watery methane flames and thin filament pyrometry
  52. Babtiste Campenon, ENSMA, 2018; Ultra-short pulse holography of sprays
  53. Florent Cathary, Aix Marseille, 2018; Methane hydrate combustion
  54. Julia Reny, ENSMA, 2018; Sulfur oxide measurements in combustion flue gas

ATTACHMENTS - Image Files Showing Ph.D. and M.S. Research